The above photos are from the Bremen 'Botanica' gardens and the surrounding Rhododendron Garden. Very impressive collection of plants! The Rhododendron Garden covers more than 45 hectares and boasts to have the largest rhododendron collection in the world. Here are several photos of the Hostas, which is a very decorative foliage plant. I have bean reading about it and it is frequently used in shady gardens and under trees. I started researching in April, but it is May now! The above photos have been taken mid-May.

Have been looking at more options for the front balcony that gets minimal sunshine. The balcony is north-facing. There is some sunshine in the morning and midday. But the balcony edge is high and paved and this would mean that whatever plants I put on the ground there must like partial to full shade. Definitely like the Hostas for their spectacular foliage.

I haven't bought any Hostas yet. Perhaps next year, I will have more chance to plan it all out a bit better. But for now I have bought a seed mix of shade-loving flowers from a company called Kiepenkerl. Check out their site - the mixed flower seed collections look fantastic. I will be be able to report how the shade mix goes in a couple of months. I have a window-box and a big bag of flower dirt and in the next few days this shade-loving-flower mix will be made. Any more ideas for shade-loving flowers and herbs?
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