Still cooking with our wonderful onions and the last of our own delicious potatoes!
Here is a comfort food recipe to use those tasty onions from our allotment - a variation on theme 'Sheppard's Pie'.
For the mashed potato 'lid':
Boil 4-5 potatoes and then mash up with Philadelphia light spread, some milk, pepper and a half teaspoon of strong mustard.
For the base:
Fry in butter some onions (two-three), garlic (much - to keep the vampires away) and leeks (one stem - wash well!) - keep stirring so it does not burn. After about 5-10 minutes add capers and small piece of white fish fillet of any kind - fry till fish falls apart and mix all together.
The veg & fish mix goes in a oven-poof dish with the potato mash on top. Keep the lid on while frying the veg&fish mix so it doesn't dry out.
Let me know if you try it and especially if you find more successful variations!
Meanwhile, down at the allotment, the last of potato plants have frozen and flopped to the ground. The above photos are taken about a month ago. Despite the dead plants, there are still plenty of potatoes in the ground and the frost is not very deep, so we will have at least two more weeks of our own potatoes.
Also, the above photos have our coriander - since taking these photos it turned to seed and we managed to harvest and toast some of the seeds to use as spices. The taste is fantastic - a little milder than coriander leaves if used fresh, but the seed can withstand long time of cooking and has a sweeter/earthier taste. Unfortunately we lost most of the seeds, because we did not toast them straight away and the rotted in a paper bag! Ughhhh! Lesson learned: toast them straight after picking or keep in a well ventilate paper bag in one layer (not in a big pile all together).
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